TEXT "INTIMACY" TO 1(844) 284 - 6154

About Us

Sweet Nothings & Co. is a sensual intimacy and poetry brand where our mission is to "Liberate the mind, body, and soul of those seeking to be loved all the way through." Sweet Nothings was formed as our founder and CEO saw a need to explore true intimacy, while empowering black women to enjoy their bodies and sensuality. Curating a space where love, sex and relationships is not a one size fits all, she sought out to show up for herself and a community that has been forced into the shadows.

Sweet Nothings gives added reason for black women to show up in the fullness of themselves, whatever that may be, and the infinite room to learn and unlearn. The three pillars that our brand is founded on are: Pu$$y, Poetry & Permission. Subscribe to our email list to receive the latest updates on new releases and candid conversations. The liberation party starts NOW!